The Gitananda Matha Ashram was founded in 1984 by Yogasri Swami Yogananda Giri, who is also the spiritual leader (mahant). The Ashram's name is dedicated to the Master of Swami Yogananda, Gitananda Giri. In this place lives a monastic community based on ethical and religious foundations of Hinduism:
The community is open to everyone, to anyone who has the desire to find himself, to know and live according to the teachings of the Hindu tradition, or even those who want to spend a period of time away from your usual routine. An Ashram is always a place of residence of a Yogi, a siddha or an essay; there is no distinction between the Master who resides in the Ashram and the Ashram itself. Students and disciples live, even for brief moments, next to a Master, to live a yogic life, purify themselves physically, mentally, to discipline themselves and develop awareness. This takes place in a place designed specifically with the intention of creating the ideal conditions, favorable to the progress of those who aspire to realize his true nature.

ASHRAMA = Sanskrit term that indicates the hermitage of a spiritual master, a -rishi- essay, a yogi.
MATHA = Sanskrit word for "monastery."
The Ashram is a structure in which the true Hindu tradition lives, but above all, a place full of the power and energy resulting from the presence of a Master and His tradition.
The matha is the body and the soul of the Master who resides there. In this sacred place vibrate the power and energy of the Hindu millenarian tradition, transmitted as pure as spring water, in a long line of teaching known as Parampara. An Ashram is a place where you can look for and find their freedom. The Divine is the guru who compassionately manifests itself in the line of the Masters.
In the Matha samnyasin - monks - and novices -brahmacharin- lead, under the guidance of a Master, a simple and essential life aimed at the inner search and realization of the highest knowledge. Those who live permanently in such places, or even staying there for short periods, with devout mind, respectful and receptive, are enveloped and nourished by that spiritual strength. The character of each place is constantly shaped by its inhabitants and, through interaction, the place and its inhabitants are adapted to each other for a mutual and reciprocal influence.
Life is punctuated by the tolling of the majestic "Bell of Peace" and spends in a community spirit and fraternal. Alternating moments of cenobitic life to other anchoretic type, moments of collective and individual prayer, meditation, yoga, study of texts and rituals. Contemplation is accompanied by the work and selfless service, karma yoga, carried out to the community and to all beings.

Pespective of the ashram: path to reach the Temple

Prayer at the Temple with monks and some ashram devotees

Maha Nada Ganta, the Bell of Peace
Meditation, mental acuity, peace of mind, respect for every person, animal or thing, and service are the essence of the right way to behave in an ashram (ashram-dharma).
In an ashram or in a matha the aim is to try and realize one's Divine nature: every action, thought and word are and must be aimed at the spiritual practice, sadhana, and ideal principles that sustain it.
Neglecting the monastery means to neglect oneself and the tradition; to usa a bad language is like insulting it; leaving it in disorder means to forget it.

The Ashram welcomes everyone, including those who want to carve out some time to devote to themselves, surrounded by nature and the silence of the contemplative life. Some come because they want to deepen the practice, sadhana, of the science of Yoga.
Some are asking themselves existential questions and look at the monastic choice as a possible answers for their life. Then there are the devotees of the ashram who especially seek the temple- built according to the architectural canons of South India - and therefore wish to attend the ritual functions, Puja, the chanting of Scriptures, prarthana, or to participate in the many religious festivities that are celebrated there.
The Ashram is also a magnet for lovers of art and culture of India. Among the activities of the Monastery there are indeed several meetings of interreligious dialogue, lecture on various topics; They organize events dedicated to dance and devotional music.
In the monastery you can find publications on the philosophy and the Hindu science. Some monks are dedicated to the care of publishing texts of the publishing house Laksmi editions .
“If you are entering here, be aware:
leave all stupid fears behind.
In this sacred place
you will meet your own Self, face to face.”