Always ask for a confirmation by phone when the dates are approaching (tel. 019 584692).
In order to arrange a visit, you are kindly required to call.

The Hindu monastery Matha Gitananda Ashrama is located in Località Pellegrino in the Municipality of Altare, on a 520m hill in the inland of Savona (Italy).
Yoga in the ashram is a 360 degrees experience: traditional teachings in a sacred place surrounded by nature, to discover the timeless Indian culture.
The long dirt road that leads to the Monastery seems to define the separation between it and the rest of the world.

The Ashram, as a matter of fact, is a structure where the true Hindu tradition lives but, above all, it is a place rich with the power and energy coming from the presence of a Master and his tradition.
Yogasri Svami Yogananda Giri founded Matha Gitananda Ashram in 1984. The name of the Ashram, “Matha Gitananda Ashram,” is dedicated to the Master of Svami Yogananda, Puja Paramahamsa Maharaj Yogashiromani Purnacarya dr. Svami Gitananda Giri, who did his best to propagate yoga and Hindu culture by teaching students coming from every part of the world.

Life in Ashram is inspired to the Sanatana Dharma principles and to the deepest Hindu tradition.
Those who desire to study the Self and rediscover their own spirituality are always welcome, and can find here the ideal conditions: peace, silence, contact with nature, experience of communal life and, above all, the contact with an ancient yoga tradition, a developmental system: Siddha Siddhanta Yoga.
1) If planning to visit the Ashram, it is necessary to give a call prior to the visit in order to discuss the best time to arrive.
2) In respect to the life in the community, for ethical reasons, and for one’s own and others’ health, IT IS FORBIDDEN TO SMOKE and TO DRINK ALCOHOLICS, and it is everybody’s duty to behave respectfully of things, people and animals.
It is suggested to wear comfortable cloths during both the practice and the free time; also please note that in many places of the Ashram you are asked to be barefoot.