"Vishisht Sewa Samman" Certificate of Excellence by the Government of India.


supporting Hinduism.


Yoga in the Ashram:
a 360° experience


Visiting the Ashram:
a first approach



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The Ashram, as a matter of fact, is a structure where the true Hindu tradition lives but, above all, it is a place rich with the power and energy coming from the presence of a Master and his tradition.

Yogasri Svami Yogananda Giri founded Matha Gitananda Ashram in 1984. The name of the Ashram, “Matha Gitananda Ashram,” is dedicated to the Master of Svami Yogananda, Puja Paramahamsa Maharaj Yogashiromani Purnacarya dr. Svami Gitananda Giri, who did his best to propagate yoga and Hindu culture by teaching students coming from every part of the world.

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In the Ashram, various types of yoga from a complex tradition are taught and practiced in a propedeutic fashion: SIDDHA SIDDHANTA YOGA is a great systematic tool for spiritual growth.

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