Based on those ethical principles such as non-violence and the respect for nature, it deals mostly with the physical and therapeutic aspects, integrating with yoga at the level of spiritual aspects.
The metaphysical vision of the body and the methodology for the maintenance of health is concretized by a practical and detailed study of the human being through the elaboration of a complete medical system, including all the branches from surgery, geriatrics, gynecology, pediatrics, the science of rejuvenation… whose techniques have been used as example and are still today applied in modern medical science.

Nowadays, moreover, Ayurveda is suggested among the “alternative” techniques for the maintenance of health thanks to its capacity of prevention through techniques of purification and elimination of toxins (panchakarma), the analysis of daily and seasonal routine, the employment of herbal mixes created according to ancient prescriptions, the practice of ayurvedic oil massages performed on the whole body, and the other manipulation techniques and the treatment of the body with oils, herbs, and powders.