Yoga in the Ashram

A 360 degrees experience

Yoga in the Ashram is a 360 degrees experience.

Everything - location, prayer, meditation, study, nature, singing, dancing ... - it helps to form a teaching that comes from experience and constant practice of Yoga applied in all fields. An authentic teaching because the fruit of the purest tradition.

Esplora la scena a 360° cliccando sul video.


Study of Siddha Siddhanta Yoga and Gitananda Yoga in the ashram

Theoretical and practical study of the siddha siddhanta tradition


Monthly and bimonthly weekends
A great opportunity, for those who practice or teach yoga and those who would like to enter an excellent evolutionary system, to attend in a systematic way, a program on the methods and techniques of yoga, which, together with the study of Indian culture, its spiritual and ethical values, the different trends and traditions, constitute the cultural and religious matrix of yoga and tantra.
The meetings take place in the Svami Gitananda Ashram, in a place that is suited to practice, study and inwards contemplation.
Duration: given the extreme vastness and completeness (also technical) of the contents of Siddha Siddhanta’s system, attendance is limitless (there are groups who have been attending for over twenty years).


The wisdom of tradition handed down through practice, study and interpretation of the teachings according to the decoding of the language of tradition. All teaching is from direct experience.
The goal of these teachings is not to have dependent disciples but, on the other hand, to form free people, teachers who can be useful to humanity with their example and work, who can demonstrate, every minute, what real freedom and realization are.

Those who are interested to participate, can receive further information by contacting the Matha Gitananda Ashram’s office.


"The Yogi is superior to the ascetics; and also above those who search knowledge; he superior to those men who perform rites; so be a Yogi, oh Arjuna." (B.G.)


The sadhana, or exercise of discipline, is the foundation of the spiritual path and those who devote themselves to the research of reality constantly follow it. It is the most efficient way to face ourselves, examine our own life and our own actions through the bright crystal glass of observances and yoga ethics. The real sadhana, practically, is certainly not the simply methodical repetition of the learned techniques but the constant application of the yogic principles; it is the ability to catch, in any contest and situation, the precious teachings offered by life.

Sadhana can only be learned, according to the tradition, from a Master, and an Ashram is the perfect place where to receive those teachings and put them into practice. The ways are many, allowing every individual to find those that are more suitable to one’s needs and temperament.