Shri Lalita Mahatripurasundari Temple

Inside the Svami Gitananda Ashram, is, together with other places of worship, a beautiful temple dedicated to the Divine Mother Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari, built in accordance with the principles established by the Vastu Shastra. It is of particular importance due to its structure (typical of southern India) and for its rich iconographic representation and yantrica.


In addition to the main deity, Devi Shri Lalita Mahatripurasundari and many other protective goddesses, inside you will find: a linga, the symbol of Shiva, weighing 1,080 kilograms, some depictions of Ganesha, the Nine Planets, the Navagraha (with function protection), Rishi and Avatara detectors of Shri Vidya.


This temple is an important reference point for Italian and faithful from India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, etc., Who flock here for the puja and especially during the holidays. Every day, especially on Friday and Sunday mornings, you can participate in the shakti puja (Hindu ritual shakta according to tradition) during which they sing sukta stotram, bhajan and kirtan.
The activities of the temple, where the rites, the devotee may participate in several ways: by bringing offerings on special occasions or important moments in life from sanctify; expressing his devotion, bhakti, through devotional songs, meditating, doing your own practice or the study of the Scriptures.

"I meditate in the lotus of my heart on the Divine Mother whose form has the splendor of the rising sun, whose hands are held in the gesture of giving protection and prosperity, whose form is the embodiment of peace and whose smiling face is like a blossomed lotus." (Stotranjali)


Dattatreya Temple

There is also a temple dedicated to Lord Dattatreya, the synthesis of the Trimurti, one of the detectors of the tantric tradition of Shri Vidya. In its shade, meditation, concentration and study give moments of great spiritual intensity.

“The eternal happiness which pervades everything, the glory recognized as supreme in the multitude of the revealed texts, comes from the narration of the origin of everything from the One: He manifests himself through the attributes of his power of illusion. Glory to the One who supports everything, to Him who is the Truth, to Him who grants the first fruit of the purpose of human life! Always joyfully wonders Dattatreya, as the ocean of knowledge.” (Datta Lahari)


Shakti Pitham – Dasha Mahavidya Temple

Adjacent to the main temple there is also a beautiful temple complex where a majestic iconographic depiction of Shri Lalita Mahatripurasundari dwells surrounded by Dasha Mahavidya, the Ten Great Knowledges.

"Contemplate the Self everywhere, overflowing with happiness; contemplates the world within the self, as a reflection within a mirror. "