Thanks to the extensive knowledge of Swami Yogananda Giri, revealed to him by his Guru and the parampara lineage, at Gitananda Matha Ashram three different traditions or sampradaya are followed, characterized by particular philosophical and ritualistic systems:

1- Saiva siddhanta
: this cult is widespread in the southern part of India, particularly in the Tamil Nadu and it is also called shuddha shaiva or pure saivismo. It is considered, today, among the most important philosophical-doctrinal systems. Its teachings come from the 28 Agama and from the instructions of the line of the 18 siddha mystics. Its evolutionary practice is expressed through the precious siddhanta yoga.
2- Culto samaya: it is considered the most refined and complete shakta tradition in tantra. Its cult is centered on the worship of the Divine Mother, symbolized by the Sri Cakra or Sri Yantra, that is the excellent mystical diagram representing the powers of the Mother in graphic form.
Its authority is expressed in the scriptures of the Devi Agama, its yoga methodology is in the whole tantric system of laya yoga or kundalini yoga. The Datta Avadhuta and the Dakshinamurti Sampradaya of the Kadi tradition are followed at the Svami Gitananda Ashram.
3- Giri dasanami: dasanami are the ten monastic orders codified by Sri Adi Sankara. The various religious orders are traditionally associated to the four Math: Sringeri, Durak, Puri, and Jotismath. Only the Heads of these Math can confer upon themselves the title of Shankaracharya. Anybody else using this title does it without authorization.